Single Cell Bioinformatics Trainings

Data processing pipeline

The Brotman Baty bioinformatics team preprocesses all single cell sequencing data and returns data ready to use, including a web dashboard that shows the results of some basic quality control and analysis. We return all raw data as well as a premade Cell Data Set (cds) object to use with Monocle3 , a well-developed toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression experiments. Basic Monocle3 analyses and quality control steps are outlined in the web dashboard, allowing investigators with limited R programming experience to jump right into data analysis.

Sci-RNA-Seq Bioinformatics

Learn more about the method, tools, and BBI services here>

For existing clients of SCI services, view your project status here >

Single Cell Training & Troubleshooting

Training Session December 2021

[BBI Tutorial Resources]( This repository stores code used in the quarterly BBI single-cell data analysis tutorials.

Training Session February 2021

BBI Tutorial Resources This repository stores code used in the quarterly BBI single-cell data analysis tutorials.

Training Session December 2020

BBI Tutorial Resources This repository stores code used in the quarterly BBI single-cell data analysis tutorials.

Training Session September 2020

BBI Tutorial Resources This repository stores code used in the quarterly BBI single-cell data analysis tutorials.

Single Cell Resources

Monocle - A powerful software toolkit for single-cell analysis

Garnett - Automated cell type identification