Membership in the BBI is open to Investigators at UW Medicine, The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Seattle Children’s Hospital/Seattle Children’s Research Institute, with basic science or clinical research interests relevant to the emerging field of precision medicine.

Members are incentivized to meet, learn and collaborate across institutions, have at-cost, institution-neutral access to platform technologies, and are eligible for BBI funding and data production award opportunities.


Interested in membership at BBI? Read our Frequently Asked Questions to see if you qualify first:

BBI membership is limited to faculty at one of our three partner institutions: University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Seattle Children’s.

There are many ways that trainees and non-faculty can participate with BBI. BBI hosts events that are open to anyone to attend. You can learn more and register at our events page. Also, BBI hosts an annual granting program and we have grant categories for both faculty and trainee awards.

BBI sends out a monthly newsletter with details on events and funding opportunities. Fill out the form below to sign up to receive the newsletter or apply to be a member.

Please acknowledge BBI and use your BBI member affiliation for any work supported by BBI funding. You are also encouraged to include your BBI affiliation for all precision medicine relevant publications, presentations or news stories regardless of funding source. Guidelines for submission are below and in the attachment. Please let me know if you have any questions.

1 Department of Genome Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. 2 Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. 3 Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA.

How to use your BBI membership affiliation: Dr. Jane R. Science is an associate professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Washington and a member of the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA. or Dr. Jane R. Science is a Member of the Fred Hutch Basic Sciences Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and a member of the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA.


Dr. Jane R. Science is an Associate Professor of Hematology- Oncology at Seattle Children's Hospital in the Center for Clinical and Translational Research and a member of the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA.

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Jan Abkowitz Shreeram Akilesh Charles Alpers Mike Averkiou Nathan Baertsch Geoff Baird David Baker Mike Bamshad Kalyan Banda Melissa Barker-Haliski Pam Becker Brian Beliveau Robin Bennett Joel Berletch Puneet Bhargava Olivia Birmingham-McDonogh Elizabeth Blue Zoran Brkanac Michael Bruchas Peter Byers David Byrd Susan Canny Josh Carlson Jeff Carroll Eleanor Chen Dong-Hui Chen Heather Cheng Edith Cheng Richard Cheng David Chhieng Jessica Chong Helen Chu PJ Cimino Stacy Cohen Eva Corey Robert Cornell Andrew Coveler Julie Crudele Josh Cuperus Marie Davis Nikolai Dembrow Xinxian Deng David Dichek Manjiri Dighe Nora Disis Christine Disteche Zhijun Duan Marianne Dubard-Gault Aimee Dudley Maitreya Dunham Evan Eichler Keith Elkon Min Fang Susan Ferguson Manuel Ferreira Jr. Stan Fields Alison Fohner Albert Folch Jennifer Forsyth Doug Fowler Benjamin Freedman Lisa Frenkel Malia Fullerton Hilary Gammill Gwenn Garden Edith Gardiner Sina Gharib Barbara Goff Ajay Gopal Alex Greninger Shahin Hakimian Nobuhiko (Nobu) Hamazaki Kelley Harris David Hawkins David Haynor Jonathan Himmelfarb Fuki Hisama Noah Hoffman Andrew Hoofnagle Marshall Horwitz Eric Huang Gail Jarvik Suman Jayadev Jill Johnsen Simon Johnson Oshima Junko Franck Kalume Masaoki Kawasumi Sioban Keel Dirk Keene Edward Kelly Scott Kennedy Zin Khaing Teresa Kim Paul Kinahan Mary-Claire King David Koelle Karan Kohli Eric Konnick Hao Yuan Kueh Mary Kuhner Ronald Kwon Christina Lam Hung Ming Lam Peter Leary Aaron Lee Nicole Liachko Andre Lieber W. Conrad Liles Shin Lin Hannah Linden Sara Lindstroem Yajuan Liu Christina Lockwood Christian Lood Barry Lutz David Mack Robb MacLellan Nancy Maizels Emily Malouf Jose Mantilla George Martin Julie Mathieu JT McCrone Abbye McEwen Alexander Mendenhall Carmen Mikacenic Danny Miller Ray Monnat R. Bruce Montgomery Colm Morrissey Debarshi Mustafi David Myerson Paul Nghiem Debbie Nickerson William Noble Barbara Norquist Mary O'Neill Shao-En Ong Jay Parrish Anoop Patel Thomas Payne Marion Pepper Venu Pillarisetty Sud Pinglay Nicholas Poolos Colin Pritchard Daniel Promislow Christine Queitsch Dan Raftery Wendy Raskind Thomas Reh Alex Reiner Allan Rettie Pavitra Roychoudhury Hannele Ruohola-Baker Daniel Sabath Steve Salipante Ram Savan David Schnecher Michael Schweizer Devin Schweppe Devin Schweppe John Scott Georg Seelig Sherene Shalhub Jay Shendure Brian Shirts Raj Swati Shree Julia Sidorova Pradeep Singh Kelly Smith Jason Smith Noah Snyder-Mackler Jennifer Specht Lea Starita Mark Stein Andrew Stergachis Kelly Stevens Garret Stuber Anna Sunshine Elizabeth Swisher Jonathan Tait Peter Tarczy-Hornoch Kenneth Thummel Cole Trapnell Debby Tsuang John Tuthill Katharine Tuttle Paul Valdmanis David Veenstra Cécile Viboud Judit Villen Judit Villen Michael Wagner Tomas Walsh Yuliang Wang Ana Weil Ana Weil Andrea Wills Daniela Witten David Wu Smita Yadav Mia Yang Daniel Yang Ray Yeung Catherine Yeung Jessica Young Jing Zeng Yiqiang "Ken" Zhang Xue-Qiao Zhao Ying Zheng